Chwele meeting hall - A wall is built

By Clive Solomon

Our first initiative with regards to making an immediate impact on our Chwele Outreach project was to address the condition of the meeting hall where the brothers, sisters, and Sunday School students meet. Access to facilities is outside the building in an outhouse or latrine and was in very poor condition and in a poor location. They also lacked literature storage.

Brothers and sisters alike help in moving the dirt to backfill the block wall and level the area.

The first step to adding space to the existing meeting hall is to first raise up the sloped land where the addition is to be built. To do this a raised foundation must be installed. This is a very labor-intensive process that is all built by hand.

  1. The foundation stones are purchased and delivered.
  2. Sand is purchase and delivered.
  3. Stone blocks that will be the wall's foundation are bought and arrive on site.
  4. Trenches are dug by hand.
  5. The trenches are filled with stones and built up with mortar.
  6. The blocks are laid on the stone foundation.
  7. Dirt is backfilled and leveled.

The cost of this portion of the project is approximately $800. Through the grace of God and generous donations, we were able to fund this project.